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    Monday 24 August 2015

    10 Yoga Poses for Back Pain

    Back ache got you feeling all wound up and uneasy? Try out these 10 yoga poses for back pain and leave your back woes where they belong – behind! Long hours at your desk or in front of the TV, an improper posture, weak muscles, poor diet and lack of exercise can result in pain in the lower back region. The lower back is composed of the vertebrae of the spine, ligaments and muscles. Inter-vertebral discs are found in the spine, which act like cushions, made up of cartilage. Each disc fits perfectly between two vertebrae.

    Injury or disease of these discs in lower back, muscles and ligaments can cause back pain. The risk of lower back injury is higher in people who are obese, who have a poor posture or weak back and abdominal muscles. Almost everyone will experience lower back pain once in their life time. Due to a poor diet and lack of exercise this risk can increase by the day. Practice these 10 yoga poses for back pain regularly, and enjoy freedom from back pain.

    More Fitness On: 10 Yoga Poses for Back Pain

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