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    Monday 20 June 2016

    3-Step Flat Belly Challenge

    Ready for positive change? Whether you want to tone that tummy for swimsuit season or slim down after having a baby, you can make the changes needed to see results. This 3-step flat belly challenge is the right place to start your journey.

    Flat bellies don’t necessarily come from cranking out a bajillion crunches. Instead, they come from a commitment to making changes in how you eat and exercise. When you incorporate these flat belly tips into your lifestyle you’ll notice a difference you can see and feel.

    Step 1 – Eat Clean.

    Switch to clean-eating foods. These are foods that are non- or minimally processed, so you benefit from all the nutrition the body needs and wants without added junk that makes the waist thicker. Try 25 Flat Belly Foods and 

    The Ultimate Clean-Eating Grocery List.
    Plan menus. By setting the menu a few days or a week ahead of time you avoid the “ohmigosh, I have no idea what’s for dinner” crisis that often leads to packaged meals or unhealthy takeout.  Check out these Meal Planning Ideas.
    Avoid added sugar & artificially-flavored foods & drinks. Instead, one of the top steps to get a flat belly is to stick to water or naturally-flavored beverages, like these 7 Drink Recipes to Flush Away Fat.

    More Fitness On:  3-Step Flat Belly Challenge

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